Stronger Hearts Shop

Stronger Hearts Portal Access

  • Sale!
    Original price was: $4,900.00.Current price is: $3,500.00.

    Online Product Includes:

    • Beginners Quick Classes Program
    • Easy Seated Program
    • Seated Exercise Program
    • Semi Seated Exercise Program
    • Standing Program
    • Beginners Quick Program
    • Games and Dance Activities

    Full Package includes:

    • On Demand Stronger Hearts Aged Care Exercise Program Portal Access for 12 months per individual Residential Care Facility
    • Online consult with Stronger Hearts Directors/ Physiotherapist to ensure product will be seamlessly integrated into the facility/ Day Centre and to inform tailored Ambassador Training
    • unlimited email support for Lead Ambassadors to assist in product integration.
    • Stronger Hearts Equipment Package (All Included): Equipment for 12 participant including bands, weighted water bottles, balls, bag, ball pump and includes postage
    • Stronger Hearts Ambassador Training: 4-6 hours of online training to Four Care Staff per individual Aged Care Facility or Day Centre to implement Stronger Hearts program and allow the program to operate effectively and seamlessly. All included: Stronger Hearts T-Shirts, Ambassador learning material and PDF’s, Online Forum Access, class participant reward bands. Annual subscription permits free training of replacement Ambassadors in the event of staff turnover so that the facility can continue to implement the program. This premium product covers up to four online Ambassador training logins per subscription per year.
    • PhysiApp Home Exercise Program = $250 per subscription*

    If required to be invoiced separately: Physiotherapist screening and assessment consultations for prospective group exercise participants (face-to-face or Telehealth available). Rates can be discussed if service is required.

    * T&C apply- with regards to participant numbers


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  • $750.00

    Online Product Includes:

    • Beginners Quick Classes Program
    • Easy Seated Program
    • Seated Exercise Program
    • Semi Seated Exercise Program
    • Standing Program
    • Beginners Quick Program
    • Games and Dance Activities

    Full Package includes:

    On Demand Stronger Hearts Aged Care Exercise Program Portal Access for 12 months per individual Residential Care Facility.


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  • $265.00

    Stronger Hearts Ambassador Training: 4-6 hours of online training

    All included:

    • Stronger Hearts T-Shirts
    • Ambassador learning material and PDF’s
    • Online Forum Access
    • Class participant reward bands

    Stronger Hearts recommends training at least Four Care Staff per individual Aged Care Facility or Day Centre to implement Stronger Hearts program and allow the program to operate effectively and seamlessly.

    Our online training modules train Ambassadors to implement Stronger Hearts Exercise Program within your Aged Care Community. These include: Retirement Villages, Aged Day Centres, Residential Aged Care Facilities, or any other intentional gathering of Seniors who are meeting to engage in regular exercise. The training is self-paced and forms part of our competency framework for accredited Ambassadors, ensuring appropriate scope of practice is maintained for insurance coverage. Ambassadors and their Line Managers can have peace of mind knowing that activity can be increased effectively without risk of litigation.

    Stronger Hearts has been designed to supplement any existing exercise strategy already in place within your community. As it is exclusively web-based, trained Ambassadors may integrate the classes at a level and frequency of their choosing. Our training equips Ambassadors to utilise the Stronger Hearts portal at each stage of exercise programming – whether you are wanting to start a new program, update an existing one, or looking to promote exercise uptake and adherence. Our Ambassadors come from a variety of disciplines. Whether you work as a Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist, Nurse, Diversional Therapist, Activity Officer, or Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator – this is a program that you can use as a tool in your exercise prescription arsenal.


    Stronger Hearts Training objectives:

    • Appreciate the varied benefits of group exercise.
    • Understand the rationale behind selecting, recruiting, and preparing Seniors for group exercise.
    • Work within the medico-legal scope of your role as exercise leaders within your exercise community.
    • Measure the impact of the program within your community.
    • Navigate the Stronger Hearts web-based portal.
    • Run and supervise a web-based group exercise session.
    • Utilise principles of exercise adherence and motivational strategies in your exercise community.

    Duration: 4-6 hours online

    There are six modules to complete:

    1. Familiaris
    2. Practise
    3. Trial
    4. Reflect
    5. Launch
    6. Competency

    You will be guided through what your role is as an Ambassador, the benefits of exercise, our approach to group exercise, and measuring your impact.

    Learning about how groups develop and running exercise classes is something that will be a lifelong pursuit, however, in this 4-6 hour course you will have learn the key skills in making your community rich in movement.

    If you need any assistance on completing the course please contact us. We are here to help!


    Adam: 0408 781 549

    Cost: $265 per Ambassador


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Further Discounts will be offered for purchases of the Stronger Hearts Program for Multiple Facilities. Please contact Christie Manuel on or through our contact page.